Thursday, February 18, 2010

Australian Ports - Van Diemen's land

Burnie is the fifth largest container port in Australia, specializing in heavy machinery, agriculture and forestry. Burnie maintains most of the West's mines, handling mostly bulk product including, minerals, fuels, woodchips and logs, as well as containerised consumables. Forestry Export is the top commodity/throughput. .
Devonport maintains grain, cement and containerised consumable exports, whilst imports include fertiliser, fuel and consumables. However most will recognise the standout or primary focus being the Spirit of Tasmania ferries, that travel daily between Devonport and Melbourne.
Hobart is the major cruise ship stop off, and naval moor in Tasmania. It is responsible for Antartic expedition and supply. Incat high-speed catamaran's are built at the ship building operation nearby.
Bell Bay is the gateway to Launceston. It is a major port for domestic and international bulk goods as well as container services.
For further information;
Tasports [online]
Tasmania [online]
Wiki Entry [online]
Image Courtesy: Ports of Australia Diagram; cropped and reduced 26th Febuary 2010; Ports Australia, [online], Available from: SOURCE [Accessed 26 Febuary 2010] StumbleUpon

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